月度归档: 2023 年 5 月

  • DBeaver Clickhouse session problem

    When using user settings (e.g. SET max_parser_depth = 2000) in DBeaver’s Clickhouse query window, an error will occur.

    A typical error message is:

    SQL Error [113] [07000]: Code: 113. DB::Exception: There is no session or session context has expired. (THERE_IS_NO_SESSION) (version 22.x.x.x (official build)), server ClickHouseNode [uri=http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8123/system]

    How to resolve it?

    By default, DBeaver does not connect using a session (the CLI for example does). If you require session support (for example to set settings for your session), edit the driver connection properties and set session_id to a random string (it uses the http connection under the hood). Then you can use any setting from the query window.

    From Clickhouse Documentation:
