Version of Word does not match error when using Microsoft Word and RequisitePro

Problem(Abstract) This technote explains how to resolve a “Version of Word (None) does not match” error. This can occur when opening Microsoft Word for use with IBM Rational RequisitePro.

Symptom Starting Microsoft Word fails with this error: The version of Word (None) does not match the version required by the program (Word 2000, Word 2002, Word 2003). Install the correct version of word. Microsoft Word is not installed or configured properly. Do you want to continue with Word disabled?

Cause Microsoft Word did not create the registry key that RequisitePro requires, or you do not have sufficient read privileges for that registry key.

Resolving the problem Verify that this registry key exists. If not, you must add it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office10\\"

IMPORTANT: The number 10 refers to Word 2002, 11 is for Word 2003, 12 is for Word 2007 and 14 is for Word 2010.



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