分类: 信息技术

  • 转 [译] 为什么我们找不到前端工程师?

    原文为 Why can’t we find Front End developers? 作者是 Jose Aguinaga,前端工程师、用户体验设计师跟热爱 JavaScript 的软件工程师。


    有天,作者偶然在 Quora 上发现一个跟前端工程师及新创公司有关的问题:为什么新创公司很难找到前端工程师?

    该讨论串的原 PO 提到:




  • Install ShadowSocks Client as a Windows Service

    1/ Install Node.js


    2/ Install ShadowSocks

    Open Node.js command line environment, and type following command:

    npm install -g shadowsocks

    3/ NSSM Configure

    Download from http://nssm.cc/

    Run nssm.exe from command line window.

    nssm.exe install

    nssm service installer







    Key parameters:

    Parameter Description Example Value
    Path ShadowSocks client full path. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm\sslocal.cmd
    Startup directory ShadowSocks config file location. C:\xxxxx\AuthInfo
    Arguments ShadowSocks startup parameter, include config file name. -c Linode_ShadowSocks_Local.json


    Example Screen:

    TAB Application:








    TAB Details








    TAB Log on


  • 将 Tomcat 7 默认端口更改为 1024 以下 (Linux)

    以 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / tomcat 7 为例。

    1) 安装 authbind

    apt-get install authbind

    2) 使 80 / 443 端口对 authbind 可用(以 root 权限操作):

    touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
    touch /etc/authbind/byport/443
    chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/80
    chmod 500 /etc/authbind/byport/443
    chown tomcat7 /etc/authbind/byport/80
    chown tomcat7 /etc/authbind/byport/443

    3) 在 Tomcat 中,置 IPv4 为默认 (authbind 当前不支持 IPv6)

    要完成这个操作,须创建 TOMCAT/bin/setenv.sh 文件,并带上以下内容:


    如 setenv.sh 文件已存在且已定义 CATALINA_OPTS ,那可以这么做:

    export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"

    4) 修改 /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/startup.sh

    exec authbind --deep "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@"
    # OLD: exec "$PRGDIR"/"$EXECUTABLE" start "$@"

    5) 修改 /etc/default/tomcat7

    # OLD: AUTHBIND=no

    6) 打开 /etc/tomcat7/server.xml

    将 8080 更改为 80,8443 更改为 443。

    7) 重启 tomcat 服务

    service tomcat7 restart
  • VMware Workstation VM Background 后不能重连解决一例

    VMware Workstation VM Background 后不能重连,VNC倒是一直可连接。

    看VMs的日志,有如下行: 2014-06-26T18:11:39.534+08:00| vmx| W110: CnxHandleConnection: WSASocket returned error 10022. 2014-06-26T18:11:39.534+08:00| vmx| W110: VMAutomation: Cnx_CompleteAsyncOperation() failed.

    搜 VMware Community,是 Socket Provider 有冲突,接下来要做的就是识别出来。 微软有个 Autoruns 工具(http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902),可以定位出 Socket Provider。

    下载运行之后,到 “Winsock Providers” TAB,发现有VMware、迅雷及Apple的几个Entry,将迅雷相关的行删除并重启计算机后,故障消失。

  • Nexenta Sample /etc/power.conf (for Home Env.)

    device-dependency-property removable-media /dev/fb
    autopm enable
    autoS3 disable
    cpupm enable poll-mode
    cpu-threshold 1s
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@1/sd@0,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@1/sd@1,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@1/sd@2,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@1/sd@3,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@1/sd@4,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,790@11/pci15ad,1976@1/sd@5,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,1976@10/sd@0,0 10m
    device-thresholds /pci@0,0/pci15ad,1976@10/sd@1,0 10m
    system-threshold always-on
  • Version of Word does not match error when using Microsoft Word and RequisitePro

    Problem(Abstract) This technote explains how to resolve a “Version of Word (None) does not match” error. This can occur when opening Microsoft Word for use with IBM Rational RequisitePro.

    Symptom Starting Microsoft Word fails with this error: The version of Word (None) does not match the version required by the program (Word 2000, Word 2002, Word 2003). Install the correct version of word. Microsoft Word is not installed or configured properly. Do you want to continue with Word disabled?

    Cause Microsoft Word did not create the registry key that RequisitePro requires, or you do not have sufficient read privileges for that registry key.

    Resolving the problem Verify that this registry key exists. If not, you must add it.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office10\\"

    IMPORTANT: The number 10 refers to Word 2002, 11 is for Word 2003, 12 is for Word 2007 and 14 is for Word 2010.

  • Starting JIRA Automatically on Linux


    # Jira startup script
    #chkconfig: 2345 80 05
    #description: Jira
    # JIRA/Confluence Linux service controller script
    start() {
    stop() {
    case "$1" in
            service $APP stop
            sleep 8
            service $APP start
            echo "Usage: service $APP {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 0
  • NexentaStor,又一次可耻地跳票了


  • NexentaStor 4.0 – New Beta Coming in January

    好消息,终于来一个比较像样的 Beta 版本了。可从 3 升级,有可更新的 apt source etc…

    Dear Nexenta Community,

    Happy Holidays from the Nexenta Team. As we prepare for the holidays, Nexenta is also finishing up final testing and release efforts for a newly revamped 4.0 release of NexentaStor.

    NexentaStor 4.0.1 (the “.1” has been added to differentiate from earlier versions of the 4.0 beta software) will be released for beta testing the first full week of January. This will be a simultaneous beta release including:

    • Enterprise Users – Selected enterprise customers will be testing under NDA for enterprise edition.
    • Reseller Partners – All of premier and certified reseller partners will have access to enterprise edition for solutions testing.
    • Community Users – All interested community users are invited to download and test the new 4.0.1 community edition beta software.

    The software images and beta release notes will be published at the start of the beta period in January. in the interim, there are a few key updates to be aware of for those who have previously tested the earlier beta releases of NexentaStor 4.0 Community Edition (any milestone version):

    1. Seamless Upgrade from 3.1.5 to 4.0.1 – We will be supporting an inline upgrade (rather than a reinstall) to 4.0.1. In order to be able to do a seamless upgrade, systems will have to be upgraded to the latest 3.1.5 release, and community users must be using a standard image without additional binaries installed on their NexentaStor system.
    2. New license keys – In order to support a seamless upgrade from 3.x to 4.0.1, a previous change to the length of the machine ID has been removed. This however, will impact current 4.0 beta users, requiring 4.0.1 to be a reinstall rather than an upgrade.
    3. Improved support for Windows clients – Support for SMB 2.1 has been added (a natural stopping point to SMB 3.0) and will be tested during beta.
    4. Up to date Illumos kernel – The most current changes have been integrated, and Nexenta has begun updating the open source repository in preparation for the full release.

    Check the Forums for the most up to date information about the beta, including question to get your feedback about monitoring beta progress.

    We thank you for your patience and continued support while the 4.0 release has been reworked for the upcoming release.

    Nexenta Product Management


  • XBMC 13 (Gotham) AMLogic MX & Android 4.2.2

    可硬解 Hardware acceleration, 需 root 后安装。

    Download address:


    天猫魔盒(非全志内测版) 小米盒子
